Thursday, July 20, 2006

Richard Bach and his divorce.. my thoughts..

Lot of people were disturbed and upset due to Bach's divorce.. especially devoting themselves to his writings and thoughts in his books (in this case through the book 'Bridge Across Forever')..
my reply is/was..
I am Bachist.. but most important thing I learnt from Jonathan is one has to choose his own path.. Being dependent on Bach's life for one's idea about love is like asking somebody to teach you dreaming ! True that there is a Chiang for everybody but the message is to "stop seeing himself as trapped inside a limited body".. limited body of somebody else.

As for the relationships, soulmates and marriages.. my personal experiences and beliefs are.. the soul we have has the same quality at the root level. It is a matter of perspective to bring the best in 'anybody' to make a soulmate. To be able to do so, one should be able to convince that Jonathan who says "Home I have none. Flock I have none. I am an outcast. ... I can lift this body no higher." You have to remind him that.."One school is finished and the time has come for another to begin."..
It's just matter of saying
"I am ready".


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